Miscellaneous ~ Metal Max Nearly Ready for Beta
Metal Max Returns
# Posted on April 11, 2007, 9:23 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Just a quick post to air out an old project. I picked Metal Max Returns up a few days ago with the intention of finishing it; lo and behold, it's nearly done. I'm _NOT_ going to be expanding character names, I'm afraid - the menu alterations would just be too much work - but otherwise, I think it looks pretty good.

I've finally finished translating the shops, I think, and I'm working on the subscreen now. Afterwards, I may have one or two things to tinker with in combat, one word to translate on the BSCon, and a few town names to center in a few menus, and it'll be ready for testing!

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm seriously excited about this project. The game offers tons of customization options for the enterprising tank fiend, plus a fair amount of bonus games and optional material for you to do when you're not hunting bounty heads. Here are a few snapshots indicative of current progress. As I progress I'll be replacing the old screenshot slideshow with new meat, so be sure to be on the lookout for that as well.
Screenshot Screenshot

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Rockman & Forte
Published OnApril 24, 1998
Initial ReleaseDec. 18, 2002
Latest ReleaseDec. 18, 2002
Current Version1.00