Progress ~ Now in Alpha, too.
Super Robot Wars Alpha
# Posted on July 2, 2008, 4:01 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Yep! Took maybe three hours. Note the poorly-edited dialogue. This obviously needs an editor - if you think you're up to it, have tons and tons of free time, are an accomplished writer, and are a fan of Super Robot Wars, send an email!
Screenshot Screenshot

Progress ~ Font me up, guy
Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden
# Posted on July 1, 2008, 9:26 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Alpha Gaiden's font is now variable width/proportional. Huzzah! It's 4:30 AM and I'm totally about to pass out. I've been working on this thing for like nine hours straight.

First foray into MIPS assembly = success!
Screenshot Screenshot

Progress ~ Well, THAT bit's done, after how long?
Mystic Ark
# Posted on June 23, 2008, 10:04 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Last night at about 10:00PM Eastern, I *finally* finished mapping out the last of the embedded pointers in Mystic Ark's insert file. All 6562 jumps in the script have now been assigned a unique identifier digit, with corresponding markers and targets for each. That's 6562 copies and pastes. 6562 sets, 6562 writes. And you wonder why this is taking so long :p

That doesn't mean that it's ready to insert yet, I'm afraid. MKendora has written a simple utility to add *normal* pointer writes to the file; I've just run it, and the next step has me commenting out any potential false positives so inserting this thing doesn't completely break the rom. This'll take a while, but I don't imagine it'll take nearly as long as the *last* step took.

So yeah, progress. Nothing that I can show off, I'm afraid, but still. Progress.

Major Release ~ Two Million Hits! Live-A-Live v2.0 Deluxe Released!
# Posted on May 28, 2008, 12:38 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Not much else to say, really. It's been a long road but we're finally here, and from my *own* experience playing the game today, the wait was damn well worth it. I hope that you all feel the same way!

The new version includes...
-560 kilobytes of English script: Twice the size of the original translation!
-Main dialogue, menu, and battle fonts are now fully proportional!
-Each chapter now has its own unique font - even the Japanese version can't say this! Live-A-Live now sports a total of ten different fonts.
-Kung Fu names are now Chinese, not Japanese!
-Items, techniques, and equipment names expanded dramatically due to new fonts!

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Progress ~ It's coming.
# Posted on May 8, 2008, 12:18 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Sooner than you think.

Miscellaneous ~ Surprise!
# Posted on April 2, 2008, 8:59 p.m. by Gideon Zhi


This is pretty much done, other than a (hopefully!) minor issue with the battle system. This is the first I've ever tinkered with actual z80 before, and so far it's been a resounding success. Good game to start with!

Official announcement forthcoming once it's cleaned up a bit. Here's a related video while you wait.
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Progress ~ Rejoice! Script translation complete!
Rejoice - Another Aretha Kingdom
# Posted on March 3, 2008, 2:35 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Silversonic just emailed me this afternoon to let me know that Rejoice's script is done! It still needs an edit (mostly, aside from the stuff I did on my own a few months ago) but barring any major catastrophes, the remainder of the project should go pretty quickly.

So just what is Rejoice, you ask? Well, I think I'll let it speak for itself:
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Progress ~ Live-a-Live 2.0 close to completion
# Posted on Jan. 13, 2008, 7:57 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

It's taken a whole lot longer than anyone could have predicted, but I think we've finally fixed all of the little niggling technical issues. One particularly nasty one, just resolved, would corrupt your save data and replace characters with multiple Oersteds.

The scripts are all edited save for the final chapter, but of course due to that previously-mentioned save corruption, I need to restart the game from the beginning. Provided a speedy replay and no further technical problems (and maybe some wrangling with SNES9X's cheat engine) an in-house betatest should be coming pretty soon, with a release following shortly thereafter. No promises, though! We thought the technicals had been resolved last September, but look how wrong we were!
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Major Release ~ Metal Max Returns: Roll out!
Metal Max Returns
# Posted on Nov. 6, 2007, 4:13 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

After possibly the longest playtest period I've ever had to slog through, Metal Max Returns is finally ready!

Metal Max is an open, nonlinear RPG with a heavy focus on sidequests and tank tweaking. The main game has you chasing bounty heads and finding new vehicles for your entourage, but there�s so much other stuff to do! You can pimp your tanks with decals and accessories, you can buy furniture and wall hangings for your home, play with little critters that eat your money and grow to enormous proportions, or enjoy a host of minigames. Go hunting for this week's target and become a rich and famous bounty hunter!
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Miscellaneous ~ Front Page/Forum Integration
# Posted on Oct. 4, 2007, 11:51 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Just dropping a quick note to say that front page updates have been integrated into the Pantheon. You'll be able to talk about posted news by hitting the "Discuss News" link at the bottom of each post from here on out. Enjoy!

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Chaos World
Published OnOct. 25, 1991
Initial ReleaseMarch 7, 2001
Latest ReleaseMarch 7, 2001
Current Version0.97