Release ~ Lagrange Point 1.01
Lagrange Point
# Posted on Nov. 5, 2014, 12:33 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hi everyone, quick update here. Lagrange Point has reached version 1.01. Two fixes here. First, some characters' STR stats weren't changing properly at level up; this fixes that. Your saves from 1.00 are compatible though any improper stat changes due to leveling (which should be basically inconsequential for most of the characters) will have been saved to your file. Whether you wish to restart or not is up to you, but the fix shouldn't impact you greatly unless you saw that Tic had suddenly acquired 255 STR by level 17 and were upset by that.

Second, weapons of type Chemical, Special, and ???? had their types printing as Electric, Plasma, and Sonic respectively. Note that their elements remained Chemical, Special, and ????; this was purely an issue with printing. For the curious, the list initially totaled 28 bytes; I expanded it to 56, but was unaware of overflow wraparound, so anything past the 28th byte started reading again from 0. (AND #$1C -> AND #$38 for the super technical among you.)


Major Release ~ Lagrange Point, now available!
Lagrange Point
# Posted on Oct. 22, 2014, 6:07 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

It's been more than a decade in the making, but Lagrange Point is finally available! I don't really have much else to say that isn't in the readme or on the game's project page, so I'll keep this short. Enjoy!
Screenshot Screenshot

Progress ~ Lagrange Point - Last of Three
Lagrange Point
# Posted on Oct. 12, 2014, 11 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Last but certainly not least, Lagrange Point! Betatest has been underway for a full month at this point; I blame Destiny for my, uh, lack of timeliness in addressing bugs. Sorry about that, testers! They've reported a total of 228 issues so far - typos, bugs, localization and consistency issues - and I've smooshed all but four of them at this point.

But we're getting really, really, really close to release. Next couple of days close. Updated the project slideshow with 20 new screenshots, but that's where I'll end the post; I'll talk about it in more detail when we release.
Screenshot Screenshot

Progress ~ Lagrange Point: Script (kind of) Inserted
Lagrange Point
# Posted on May 1, 2007, 7:40 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Lagrange Point has been updated with seven totally new screenshots. The translation is still Tomato's, but the hacking work is now mine and Guest's entirely. I've scrapped the eight-lines-per-window thing in favor of a more-readable four lines, although I have shifted the text over to grant more characters per line than the game originally allowed. The main dialogue script is now fully inserted, minus a few untranslated strings and some cutscenes. It's also now loading relatively-uncompressed text from ROM, by which I mean it's still got DTE and Dictionary support to shrink the scripts to roughly 45% of their original heft. They fit but I haven't added any control codes or anything, so I can't guarantee they'll stay that way. The scripts also need a good going-over, as the writing is a little flat on the whole.

To sum up, it's a lot closer than it used to be, but it's still a while off. Go see the new screenshots and be happy. More to come as I edit and format it.
Screenshot Screenshot

Published OnNov. 26, 1993
Initial ReleaseMay 28, 2002
Latest ReleaseMay 28, 2002
Current Version1.00