Miscellaneous ~ Looking for investors.
# Posted on July 3, 2008, 10:36 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Do you love what we do here? Do you enjoy older games from days gone by, or perhaps feel that the current generation of games is lacking something? Have you ever wanted to support Aeon Genesis, but haven't known how?

Well, here's the thing. I'm looking for investors to help fund what I'll call a "splinter" operation. This isn't going to be AGTP, although it will follow similar lines. It won't replace AGTP either - at least, I hope it won't - so your favorite WIP projects aren't going anywhere. (In the event that I AM forced to close AGTP, all current project files will be made public for acquisition by other groups.)

While I can't divulge much just yet, I have put together a viable business plan; the only problem is, this is going to be stupidly expensive for one person to fund. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not asking for free money. I'm looking to drum up some capital that I can then take to a venture capitalist to say, "Look what I was able to raise on my own!" I will *not* take any money until venture capital comes through, and even then you will be paid back with commensurate interest within a few years. This is not without risks, of course, but if I wasn't confident in my plan I wouldn't be throwing this out here.

If you're interested and can help fund this, even a little, please send an email to this address. Let's do something awesome and show the industry who's boss.

Published OnJuly 23, 1993
Initial ReleaseDec. 25, 2002
Latest ReleaseJune 24, 2019
Current Version2.00