Miscellaneous ~ Site Maintenance Complete.
# Posted on Dec. 17, 2009, 1:10 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Changes include...
-Twitter has replaced the blog link in the nav bar
-About Me has been updated
-Links Removed: RPGOne (site is dead)
-Links Updated: Kitsune's Den, DQ Translations (Formerly Kojiro Translations), Yonin no Translators (Change of address)
-Links Added: Boojum Snark, Stardust Crusaders, The Romhacking Aerie
-Donate Button Added

Stay tuned: LUNAR is coming very shortly!

Cave Story
PublisherStudio Pixel
Published OnDec. 20, 2004
Initial ReleaseJan. 30, 2005
Latest ReleaseAug. 19, 2005
Current Version1.03