Miscellaneous ~ And now for something completely different.
# Posted on May 22, 2010, 1:16 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

I was browsing YouTube a month or so ago for silly House of the Dead 2 stuff when I came across a band named after the game's infamous "Suffer, like G did" line. The recordings were shaky cams of live performances and weren't of very good quality, but the band has since released a three-track EP which you can download on their website. I've been taken completely aback by their stuff, as it's actually really good! Very jazzy. So yeah, this is a plug. Grab the EP (it's free) and if you like them, then spread the word.

Liberation Army
Published OnMay 17, 2004
Initial ReleaseAug. 4, 2004
Latest ReleaseAug. 4, 2004
Current Version1.00