Progress ~ Announcing The Great Holiday Release Gambit
# Posted on Dec. 18, 2010, 10:21 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

So, in two weeks' time, it will be the new year. Time flies! And unfortunately, Aeon Genesis STILL only has one release this year. This simply will not do! As such, I'm announcing The Great Holiday Release Gambit. It's like an advent calendar, except there are only three doors and they open much less frequently.

I have three things I want to release by the end of the year. The first is Ancient Magic. Its playtest ended within the last few days, and I'm just now fixing up the last of the issues. I'm hoping to have it out in the next five hours or so.

The second game has just entered betatesting, and I'm hoping to have it out in a week's time, give or take. The third, in another week. This last one I can't make any concrete promises on; I still have about half the script to edit and a bunch more hacking to do before it's done, but it doesn't look like it's anywhere near as beastly as the last few games have been.

Tonight's clue is not so much "Something old, something new" as it is "Something old, something really old, and something waaaay older than even that last one, no, seriously." All three games are substantially beefy, and I don't think many people will be disappointed with the results should the Great Gambit succeed.

See you in a few hours, hopefully, after the last Ancient Magic fixes are implemented! (Note: Screenshots unrelated.)
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Published OnDec. 29, 1990
Initial ReleaseMarch 5, 2018
Latest ReleaseMarch 5, 2018
Current Version1.00