Progress ~ As usual, I overestimate myself
# Posted on Dec. 26, 2010, 9:42 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

So it's probably pretty obvious by now that we've run into some difficulties with the holiday release gambit thing. The playtest for the game I'd hoped to release last weekend hasn't finished yet - it's been slow going, and has been plagued by a *lot* of issues, crashes, and the like. The third game I haven't even managed to start playtesting yet, and I've just uncovered a not insubstantial amount of text that still needs to be translated. The main story mode is done, but the rest of it... well. Might as well come out and say it - this third title was supposed to be Super Puzzle Puyo, Too. Along with the standard adventure mode (which I think we're calling "Rulue's Mad Grab for Power") it comes packed with the standard Endless Mode, a puzzle editor, a chain tutorial, and a message from Act Against Aids, none of which have even really been touched. Oops.

So, sorry. We tried! But I'm still hoping to release the second game ("something old") on or about the new year. At least two of my betatesters are at least halfway through, and the current build seems dramatically more stable than the last... er, six. Still hoping for a surprise on that one, so no reveal yet.

I'll post some pictures of Puyo at some point, maybe, if I can find anything worth showing off that hasn't already been posted. Most of the recent progress has been end-of-game dialog edits though, so I don't know if extra screens will be possible.

I'm going to try to relax for the next few days. I'm supposed to be on vacation, and it's been a busy week already. I need at least a few days to just veg and not have to think about anything!

PublisherT&E Soft
Published OnDec. 20, 1996
Initial ReleaseOct. 6, 2001
Latest ReleaseOct. 6, 2001
Current Version1.00