Miscellaneous ~ Plasma
# Posted on March 17, 2012, 3:14 p.m. by Gideon Zhi

Oh, this incident? It's because of plasma. Plasma explains everything.

But we can't be sure so you shouldn't go outside. There's no scientific basis for believing it's safe out there.

To learn more about plasma, come find me during PAX East and watch this space during the weekend of April 6-8 where we will be announcing two major projects, showing off new work on other projects, and maybe even releasing a patch for a game I haven't even looked at since 2004! Our presentation at the show will include live actual-hardware demos of translations, and maybe even an actual-hardware gag reel demo of SRW Alpha Gaiden if we're super super lucky!

Snoopy Concert
PublisherMitsui Fudosan
Published OnMay 19, 1995
Initial ReleaseApril 12, 2007
Latest ReleaseApril 12, 2007
Current Version1.00