Progress ~ SRW 4 Status Update
Super Robot Wars 4
# Posted on Aug. 6, 2019, 6:55 a.m. by Gideon Zhi

Hi everyone, I'm just dropping a note here about where SRW4 is and where it's going. Zenki and I made quite a lot of progress early in the year - we're both at roughly the 2/3s mark for hacking and translation - but we've both also stalled out since to external obligations, so it's going a little bit more slowly than I'd hoped. In the meantime, I'm attaching a few screenshots of current progress on name entry. It's mostly done; I've expanded character name input out to 10 characters per name instead of 6, and robot name input out to 12.
Screenshot Screenshot

Published OnDec. 17, 1994
Initial ReleaseMarch 5, 2018
Latest ReleaseMarch 13, 2018
Current Version1.10